jueves, 14 de junio de 2007

Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Les dejo un podcast de un libro muy interesante. Esta en ingles, sepan disculpar.

Pero no pierdan la oportunidad de escucharlo si pueden, o de leer el libro.

Este artículo pertenece al blog iinnovate.


Chip Heath is the co-author of Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die and a Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

In this podcast, Matt and Nir caught up with Chip Heath, who along with his brother Dan, wrote Made to Stick -- a book that has been a getting a lot of good press lately.

The book draws on psychology research to examine why ideas become memorable. It has become a virtual "how-to" guide for anyone looking to introduce new concepts and products.

Sticky ideas are the result of 6 key attributes: simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, emotions and stories (SUCCES). For more on this, listent to the podcast and check out the book!

Here is a full video of the interview. Special thanks to Ben Henretig for the great job on shooting and editing the video!

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