del blog Startup Spark
Deciding to start your own business can be one of the most satisfying things you can do with your life.
It takes a lot of work, maybe more than you realized when you first started out. Here are some tips on how to keep going when things get tough:
It takes a lot of work, maybe more than you realized when you first started out. Here are some tips on how to keep going when things get tough:
- There will be days when you feel like giving up. Don’t give in to those feelings. Success is not found overnight. You are going to have to put in a lot of time and effort when it comes to building your business, but you can do it. It is ok to take a “mental health day” once in a while, but when that day is over, you need to get up and start working again.
- Stay motivated. Post a list somewhere close to where you do the most work that reminds you why you decided to take the plunge int he first place. Whenever you feel discouraged – read what you wrote down. It will inspire you to keep working!
- Try to find a mentor – someone who has already found success in the field you have chosen. They know exactly what you are going through and can offer advice when you ‘get stuck’ on something. They can also help keep you accountable when it comes to your goals.
- If you haven’t taken the time to write down your goals, take the time now. By having your goals written down on paper you will have a clear definition of what you want. Once you have them on paper, take a closer look at each one and write down specific action steps you can take now to achieve them. For instance, if your goal is to build a website, what are three things you can do today to accomplish that?
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